Get creative with free photo and movie software

Hotmail is part of Windows Live - so take advantage of all the fun features.
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Create your own home movies
You can easily turn your photos and videos into a great-looking movie or slideshow. Choose your favorite photos, videos, transitions, and themes, then share your movie on websites like YouTube, or burn it to a DVD.*
Make movies >>
Edit and share your photos
Touch up your photos with Windows Live™ Photo Gallery. It's easy to remove blemishes, red-eye, crop, resize, adjust color and brightness, and more. Then post your favorites to your Facebook or Flickr account with just a few clicks.
Download Photo Gallery >>
Keep in touch with the people who matter, instantly
Connect with your friends in real time to share videos, photos, or just a quick conversation in Messenger. You'll be able to bring together your most important social updates in one place—plus, you'll have one-click access to your Hotmail® inbox.
Download Messenger >>
Save time on the web
With Windows® Internet Explorer® 8, you can save time when mapping locations, blogging, shopping, and even translating. Web Accelerators help you do many common web tasks with just a couple of clicks—all without going back and forth between web pages.
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Make more informed choices in less time. Download the Bing™ Bar to easily start a search and preview your Hotmail inbox from anywhere online.
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Next time:
Learn how your Hotmail account gives you access to more timesaving features.
* DVD burning available on Windows Vista® Home Premium and Ultimate, and Windows 7 Home Premium and above.
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